React Event Handlers: A Guide
React event handlers: A guide

React Event Handlers: A Guide

Dead Simple Chat Team

Table of Contents

In this article we will learn how you can add event handlers to your react JSX.

Event handlers are functions that you can create. These functions will be triggered in response to a user interaction like : user clicking, hovering, focusing on inputs etc

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of HTML
  • Some knowledge of React

What are you going to learn in this article:

  • What are the different ways a event handler can be written
  • How event handling logic can be given to a child component from a parent component
  • How events propogate through the app and how to stop them if needed

Let us start with the learning

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.

Step1: How to add event handlers to your code.

To add a event handler,

  1. define a function
  2. Pass it as a prop to the appropriate JSX tag

For example let us create a button that doesn't do anything then add a event handler to it.

export default function Button() {
  return (
      Clicking on the button doesn't do anything

Let us define a function to show an alert when the button is clicked. Here are the steps to do that

  1. Declare a function and name it handleClick inside the button component
  2. then write code inside the handleClick function to show an alert
  3. declare the onClick={handleClick} and pass it as a prop to the button.

The code looks like this

export default function Button() {
  function handleClick() {
    alert('Button Clicked');

  return (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>
      Click me

the handleClick is an event handler because it handles an event that is the click of a button

Important things to note about event handlers

  • Event handlers are defined inside your components
  • Event handlers have names that start with Handle and after that the name of the event they are handling in this case it is a click event

Alternate ways of defining event handlers

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.

  • Inline with JSX.
<button onClick={function handleClick() {
  alert('button clicked');
button clicked

You can also do arrow function

<button onClick={() => {
  alert('You clicked me!');
button clicked

Inline event handlers are convenient for short functions

Step2: Reading props in event handlers

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.

Because event handlers are declared inside of a component. The event handlers have access to the components props

Let us create a button that shows an alert with the message props form the parent function

function AlertButton({ message, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={() => alert(message)}>

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
      <AlertButton message="cool thing button clicked!">
        Cool Thing
      <AlertButton message="Awesome button clicked!">

These two buttons show different messages when clicked. The name of the buttons as well as the message is passed as props to the AlertButton function.

You can try changing the message and the message will update in real time.

Step3: Passing Event Handlers as Props

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.

You can pass an event handler as a prop to the component.

Like for example a parent component might pass the event handler as a prop to the child component. Consider a button component, depending on where the button is you might want to execute a different function

At one place that button needs to call a function to play a movie, at another place it might have to call a function that uploads an image

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={onClick}>

function PlayButton({ movieName }) {
  function handlePlayClick() {
    alert(`Playing ${movieName}!`);

  return (
    <Button onClick={handlePlayClick}>
      Play "{movieName}"

function UploadButton() {
  return (
    <Button onClick={() => alert('Uploading!')}>
      Upload Image

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
      <PlayButton movieName="tech movie" />
      <UploadButton />

Here we have a Toolbar function that renders two button PlayButton and UploadButton

  • PlayButton passes handlePlayClick as the onClick to the Button inside of the playclick function
  • Upload function passes the function ()=> alert(uploading!) as the onClick prop to the Button

Lastly the Button component accepts a prop called onClick it passes the prop to the browsers built in <button> and onClick={onClick}

This tells the react to call the passes function when the user clicks

In a design system the components like PlayButton and UploadButton will pass handlers down and components like button usually contain styling components.

Passing event handlers as props

Step4: Naming event handler props

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.

Built in components like <button> and <div> only accept browser event names like onClick but if you are creating your own components then you can name their event handler any name you like

By convention an event handler name should start with an on and a capital letter for the next word

for example the button onClick prop could also be called onPress

function Button({ onSmash, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={onPress}>

export default function App() {
  return (
      <Button onPress={() => alert('button Pressed 1!')}>
        Play Movie
      <Button onPress={() => alert('Buttonm Pressed 2!')}>
        Upload Image

Step5: Event Propagation

Dead Simple Chat allows you to add chat in minutes to your React Application with the powerful JavaScript Chat SDK and API.

Event handlers will watch events from any children the component might have. We say an event bubble or propogates up the tree.

It starts with where the event happened and then goes up the tree

For example, let us consider the code below. It has a div and 2 buttons inside the div

When any of the button is clicked the onClick function is called first but then as the event propogates upwards the toolbar onclick function is also called

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
    <div className="Toolbar" onClick={() => {
      alert('You clicked on the toolbar!');
      <button onClick={() => alert('Playing!')}>
        Play Movie
      <button onClick={() => alert('Uploading!')}>
        Upload Image

And if you clicked tool bar itself the only toolbar onclick will be called and hence only one alert function will be called

Step5: Stopping propagation

Event handler receive only the event object as an argument. By convention it is called an e and it stands for event

You can read the event information from the event object.

This event object also lets you stop the bubbling or the propagation

If you call the e.stopPropogation() the propagation stops

for example:

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={e => {

export default function Toolbar() {
  return (
    <div className="Toolbar" onClick={() => {
      alert('You clicked on the toolbar!');
      <Button onClick={() => alert('Playing!')}>
        Play Movie
      <Button onClick={() => alert('Uploading!')}>
        Upload Image

When you click on the button for the playMovie or the UploadImage. The react calls the onClick handler that is passed to the button but the handler defined in the Button does the following

Calls e.stopPropogation() preventing the event from bubbling further

calls the onClick function which is a porp passed from the toolbar function

That function which is defined in the toolbar calls the toolbars own alert function but that is stopped propagating from the e.stoppropagation function

Clicking on the button shows a single alert from the button rather than 2 alerts from the button and from the toolbar

Clicking a button is not the same as clicking a totals and so stopping the propagation makes the sense for the UI

Step6: Alternative to propagation: Passing Handlers directly as props

Notice the clickHandler runs a like of code and then calls the onClick prop passed by the parent

function Button({ onClick, children }) {
  return (
    <button onClick={e => {

You can add more code to this handler before calling the parent onClick event handler

This pattern is an alternative to propagation

By this way the child component  handles the event and the parent components get to specify some additional behavior

The benefit of this pattern is that you can clearly follow  the whole chain of event

but unlike propagation this is not automatic

Step7: Preventing default behavior

some browser events like the from submit event have default behaviour built into them when the submit button is clicked the whole page reloads by default

export default function Signup() {
  return (
    <form onSubmit={() => alert('Submitting!')}>
      <input />

you can call e.preventDefault() on any event to prevent this from happening

Both the e.preventDefault and e.stopPropogation are useful but different methods

the e.stopPropogation stops the event handlers that are attached to the browser tags from propogating

the e.preventDefault stops the default behaviour of the html tags from happing

Step8: Are there any side effects to event handlers


unlike rendering functions the event handlers do not need to be pure. So theuys are as great place tope change something

Step9: Recap

  1. You can handle events by passing a function to an element as a prop
  2. Event handlers must be passed and not called react calls them for us like for example onClick={handleClick} and not onClick={handleClick()}
  3. You can define an event handler function seprately or inline
  4. event handlers can be defiend in the parent and passed to the child as a prop
  5. events propogate updawards or bubbles upwards and can be stoped by using the e.stopProppogation method
  6. Browser elements may have unwanted behaviour call e.preventDefault() to prevent that
  7. Explicitly calling an event handler prop  from a child handler is a good alternative to propagation