React : Cheat Sheet, Get up and running in 15 mins
DeadSimpleChat React quick start guide

React : Cheat Sheet, Get up and running in 15 mins

Dead Simple Chat Team

Table of Contents

In this article we are going to cover important react concepts and terms try them out in examples.

You will get enough knowledge to get you up and running writing simple apps and ready to learn and understand advanced topics and tutorials

If you are looking for a React Native Chat SDK to build in app chat messaging application, you can consider DeadSimpleChat React Native SDK

What are components?

  • Components: Components is a piece of UI (user interface) with their own logic and appearance.
  • A Component can be a button or even a full webpage, it depends on how you structure your react application
  • there are class and functional components but functional components are preferred by the react and class components are slowly being deprecated
  • Let us consider an example of a button component:
function SimpleButton (){
	  return (
    <button>This is a simple button</button>
react button

We can also nest components within other components. So we can nest the button component inside the App component like so

export default function ReactApp(){
    return (
        <h1>This is a React APP</h1>
        <SimpleButton />
Button inside a react app

React component names must start with a capital letter that is why the SimpleButton starts with a capital letter and the normal HTML tags start with small letters.

Here is what the complete application looks like

function SimpleButton (){
  return (
<button>This is a simple button</button>

export default function ReactApp(){
  return (
      <h1>This is a React APP</h1>
      <SimpleButton />
react app
the react app

The export default specify which is the main component in the file that will be exported for outside the file.

Jsx : An Introduction

JSX is like HTML but stricter, in the sence that syntax needs to be correct

for example you need to close the tags like <br /> you cannot leave them open. The react will give an error

Also, you can not return multiple JSX tags in the return statement above

Only one tag can be returned, so if you have multiple tags you can wrap them in these

function HelloWorld() {
  return (
      <h1>hello world</h1>
example of wrapping

There are many HTML to JSX converters available online that you can use to convert HTML to JSX

Showing data on the Screen

You can write JavaScript inside of the JSX. You can write JavaScript code within the curly braces.

So, for example if you have a variable somewhere in your code that has data that you wish to show on screen,

you can do that like

return (
displaying data on screen with react

One thing to remember is that the react processes the javascript and then returns the result of the code to the JSX

for example

return (

the react reads the value of product.imageUrl and then passes it to the JSX

Conditional Rendering

You can use your normal javascript if and while statements to render code conditionally.

You basically use your normal javascript rendering to conditionally render the code

here is an example

    let webPage;
      if (isLoggedIn) {
        webPage = <Dashboard />;
      } else {
        webPage = <loginPage />;
      return (

Render Lists

In React you can easily render lists, you can use for loops or array map() function to render lists of components

const products = [
    {title: 'Apple', id:1 },
    {title: 'Sunbeam', id:1 },
    {title: 'Mouse', id:1 },
    {title: 'PineApple', id:1 },
render lists in react

Here we can use the map() function to convert an array of products in to an array of <li> items:

const listItems = => 
<li key={}>
return (

Notice the key attribute. For each item on the list we need to specify a unique string or number that identifies the item

React uses the key to determine what happens if you later insert, delete or reorder items

Responding to events

to respond to events like a click of a button, mouse scroll, focus or any other event. You need to declare event handler functions inside the component

These are functions inside your functional component that gets called when the event happens (event that you need to respond to )

for example

function AlertButton() {
  function handleClick() {
    alert("the button was clicked");

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>click the button</button>;

Notice that there are no parantheses at the end of onClick={handleCLick} that is because you need to pass the event handler function on the onClick not call the event handler function on onClick

React will call the event handler function when the user click the button

Remembering the data

Sometimes, you want the component to remember some information and display it.

You can store information in the state and then retrive it when you need it. For example you might need to store how many time a button might have been click or how many people are there in a chat

To remember stuff you need to import useState from react

import {useState} from 'react'
import usestate from react

Now you can declare a state variable inside your component

import { useState } from "react";

function AlertButton() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
react useState example

Here we have declared the state to 0. So when the component is first rendered the count state is 0.

We can certainly change the state, to change the state we do not directly change it. instead we call the setState function here the setCount function and then we pass the value to it

here is how its done

import "./styles.css";

import { useState } from "react";

function ClickCounter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  function handleClick() {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Button Clicked {count} times</button>;

export default function ReactApp() {
  return (
      <h1>This is a React APP</h1>
      <ClickCounter />
demo of react useState

Here when we call the handleClick function the state count is incremented by 1. Then react will render the component function again and so on

Note: If you render the component multiple times each will get its own state

for example

import "./styles.css";

import { useState } from "react";

function ClickCounter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  function handleClick() {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Button Clicked {count} times</button>;

export default function ReactApp() {
  return (
      <h1>This is a React APP</h1>
      <ClickCounter />
      <br />
      <ClickCounter />
React app

Here each button individually remembers its count and does not affect other buttons

Hooks: an introduction

functions that start with use are called as hooks. We have already used one such hook called the useState

There are a lot of built in hooks that you can look up in the react api reference

You can also write your own hooks by combining one or more existing hooks.

Note: You can only call hooks at the top of your component or (on top of other hooks)

Sharing data between components (lifting the state)

In the above example of a button. The each ClickCounter button had its own state and data

But what if we wanted both the buttons to share the data. For example if we want the count to increase in both the buttons no matter which button is clicked

To do this we need to move the state up. That is if we want both the buttons to update the count at the same time then we need to move the state from both these components to a parent component that is the closest component containing both these components

let us see the example

React app props
import "./styles.css";

import { useState } from "react";

function ClickCounter({ count, onClick }) {
  return <button onClick={onClick}>Button Clicked {count} times</button>;

export default function ReactApp() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  function handleClick() {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return (
      <h1>This is a React APP</h1>

      <ClickCounter count={count} onClick={handleClick} />
      <br />
      <ClickCounter count={count} onClick={handleClick} />
react app

What are we doing here:

  1. We are moving the state from individual ClickCounter components to the component that is just above them  which is the ReactApp() component

2. We imported the useState from react

3. then we moved the state from the ClickCounter component to the component that was just above it that is the ReactApp component

4. We also moved the handleClick() from the ClickCounter to the ReactApp component

5. then we are returning the ClickCounter function there you can see the count and onClick are passed to the ClickCounter as function

6. You can pass the props to the react just like you pass parameters to a function.

7. we are passing the count and handleClick function as props to the ClickCounter

8. Then ClickCounter returns the button with the onCLick and count parameters

9.  Now when the button is clicked the data is coming from the useState that is in the ReactApp and not in the ClickCounter so both the buttons update when even one is clicked


In this article I have given you a quick overview of react and how it works with the help of examples

I hope the article helped you. Thank you for reading article