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React Native Chat SDK Quick Start | DeadSimpleChat

In this guide we will learn how you can use the Dead Simple Chat's React Native Chat SDK to quickly add chat to your React Native Applications.

Expo Quick Start

If you have a React Native Application using Expo then you can install the Dead Simple Chat React Native SDK using the following command.

expo install deadsimplechat-sdk-react-native

Then in your Component where you can add the Chat, you can use import <DeadSimpleChat /> component.

import { DeadSimpleChat } from "deadsimplechat-sdk-react-native";
import { StatusBar } from "expo-status-bar";
import { Text, View } from "react-native";

export default function App() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar style="auto" />

<DeadSimpleChat roomId="kv-BpWw" publicKey="pub_3732..." />

You need to add your roomId and your publicKey.

You can obtain the roomId from Dashboard -> Rooms and the public key from Dashboard -> Developers.

React Native Cli Quick Start

Follow the following steps if you are using the React Native Cli instead of expo.

Run the following command to install the SDK and its dependencies.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

npm install deadsimplechat-sdk-react-native react-native-webview@11.26.0 --save

Step 2: Platform Specific Setup


Then cd into the ios directory and run the pod install command to install Cocapods.

cd ios
npx pod install


No special step need to be performed on Android

Step 4: Usage

Then in your Component where you can add the Chat, you can use import <DeadSimpleChat /> component.

import { DeadSimpleChat } from "deadsimplechat-sdk-react-native";
import { StatusBar } from "expo-status-bar";
import { Text, View } from "react-native";

export default function App() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar style="auto" />

<DeadSimpleChat roomId="kv-BpWw" publicKey="pub_3732..." />

Listening to Events

You can register callback to listen to the events. For example when a new Message is sent the handleMessage method will be called.

import { DeadSimpleChat } from "deadsimplechat-sdk-react-native";

export default function App() {
function handleMessage(message) {
console.log("New Message Arrived::", message);

return (
style={{ marginTop: 0, maxHeight: 500 }}

List of Available Events

  • onMessage?
  • onChannelSelected?
  • onRoomJoined?
  • onMessageHistory?
  • onMessageApproved?
  • onMessageDeleted?
  • onUpdateUsers?
  • onInvalidRoomPassword?
  • onRoomLimitReached?
  • onNotAuthorized?
  • onMessageLiked?
  • onConversationCreated?
  • onConversationMessage?
  • onChannelCreated?
  • onChannelMessage?
  • onChannelMessageDeleted?
  • onChannelMessageApproved?
  • onChannelMessageLiked?
  • onConnectError?
  • onConnectSuccess?
  • onJoinRoomError?
  • onLoadCustomizationSuccess?
  • onLoadCustomizationError?
  • onLoadTranslationSuccess?
  • onLoadTranslationError?
  • onSendMessageError?

Calling Methods

To call the method you have to assing the ref to the <DeadSimpleChat /> component, and then on the ref you can call methods.

import { DeadSimpleChat } from "deadsimplechat-sdk-react-native";
import React from "react";
import { View } from "react-native";

export default function App() {
const chatComponentRef = useRef();

const logout = () => {

return (
<Button title="Logout" onPress={logout} />
style={{ marginTop: 0, maxHeight: 500 }}

List of Available Methods

The methods available are same as in the "JavaScript Chat SDK". To call the method you have use the chatComponentRef.current?.<Method_Name>()

Example: chatComponentRef.current?.logout();

Method NameDescriptionArguments
connectEstablishes a connection with the chat server.No arguments
joinRoomAllows a user to join a specific chat room.options: JoinOptions
loadCustomizationLoads customization options for the chat interface.customization: Customization
loadTranslationLoads translation for various elements in the chat interface.translation: Translation
logoutAllows a user to log out from the chat server.No arguments
sendMessageSends a message to the chat room.message: string
getMessagesRetrieves messages from the chat room with optional pagination.skip?: Number
getChannelMessagesRetrieves messages from a specific channel with optional pagination.channelId: string, skip?: Number
getOnlineUsersRetrieves a list of users currently online.No arguments
getActiveChannelsRetrieves a list of currently active chat channels.No arguments
getActiveConversationsRetrieves a list of currently active conversations.No arguments
createConversationCreates a new conversation with a specific user.userId: string
likeMessageAllows a user to like/unlike a specific message.messageId: string, reaction: string, action: string
replyMessageAllows a user to reply to a specific message.messageId: string, message: string
sendPrivateMessageSends a private message to a specific conversation.message: string, conversationId: string
sendChannelMessageSends a message to a specific channel.message: string, channelId: string
selectChannelSelects a specific channel to be the active channel.channelId: string
openConversationOpens a specific conversation to be the active conversation.conversationId: string
approveMessageApproves a specific message for display in the chat.messageId: string
deleteMessageDeletes a specific message from the chat.messageId: string
approveChannelMessageApproves a specific message for display in a specific channel.messageId: string, channelId: string
deleteChannelMessageDeletes a specific message from a specific channel.messageId: string, channelId: string
likeChannelMessageAllows a user to like/unlike a specific message in a channel.messageId: string, channelId: string, reaction: string, action: string
replyChannelMessageAllows a user to reply to a specific message in a channel.messageId: string, channelId: string, message: string
banUserBans a specific user from the chat.userId: string
banIpBans a specific IP address from accessing the chat.ip: string
unBanUserUnbans a specific user, allowing them to access the chat again.userId: string
unBanIpUnbans a specific IP address, allowing it to access the chat again.ip: string
getBannedUsersRetrieves a list of currently banned users.No arguments