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DeadSimpleChat Flutter Widget

Add Highly Scaleable Chat to your Flutter Application in Minutes with DeadSimpleChat Flutter Chat SDK.

This widget uses a DeadSimpleChatController to handle the chat operations like sending messages, replying, banning users, and so on. The DeadSimpleChat widget also provides a wide range of event listeners that you can use to listen to the various events in your chat room.


  • Real-time communication.
  • Multi-channel support.
  • Direct messaging.
  • Message history.
  • Message reactions.
  • User banning/unbanning.
  • Customizable UI.
  • Translation support.


To install the DeadSimpleChat, add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

deadsimplechat_sdk_flutter: latest_version


To use the DeadSimple Chat widget in your application, first import it.

import 'package:deadsimplechat_sdk_flutter/deadsimplechat_sdk_flutter.dart';

Then, instantiate it with the required parameters:

roomId: 'roomId',
publicKey: 'publicKey',
controller: DeadSimpleChatController(),
onMessageReceived: (message) => print('Message received: $message'),

Using the DeadSimpleChatController

The DeadSimpleChatController provides various methods that you can call to perform different actions in your chat room.

Here is a simple usage of the DeadSimpleChatController:

final chatController = DeadSimpleChatController();

// Call this method to send a message
chatController.sendMessage('Hello, World!');

// Call this method to get the online users
var onlineUsers = await chatController.getOnlineUsers();

// Call this method to get messages
var messages = await chatController.getMessages();

// Call this method to logout

Here are the available methods in the DeadSimpleChatController class:

Method NameDescriptionParameters
connect()Connects to the chat.None
joinRoom(JoinOptions options)Joins a chat room with the specified join options.options - object containing join options
getOnlineUsers()Retrieves the list of online users in the chat.None
getMessages(int skip)Retrieves the messages in the chat, starting from the given skip index.skip - index to start retrieving messages
sendMessage(String message)Sends a chat message to the chat.message - message to send
replyMessage(String messageId, String message)Replies to a specific chat message with the provided message.messageId - ID of the message
message - reply message
getActiveChannels()Retrieves the list of active channels in the chat.None
selectChannel(String channelId)Selects a specific channel to display in the chat.channelId - ID of the channel
getChannelMessages(String channelId, int skip)Retrieves the messages in a specific channel, starting from the given skip index.channelId - ID of the channel
skip - index to start retrieving messages
sendChannelMessage(String message, String channelId)Sends a message to a specific channel with the provided message and channel ID.message - message to send
channelId - ID of the channel
replyChannelMessage(String messageId, String channelId, String message)Replies to a specific channel message with the provided message, message ID, and channel ID.messageId - ID of the message
channelId - ID of the channel
message - reply message
getActiveConversations()Retrieves the list of active conversations in the chat.None
openConversation(String conversationId)Opens a specific conversation in the chat.conversationId - ID of the conversation
createConversation(String userId)Creates a new conversation with the specified user.userId - ID of the user
sendPrivateMessage(String message, String conversationId)Sends a private message to a conversation with a specific message and conversation ID.message - message to send
conversationId - ID of the conversation
likeMessage(String messageId, String reaction, String action)Likes a specific chat message with the specified reaction and action.messageId - ID of the message
reaction - type of reaction
action - type of action
likeChannelMessage(String channelId, String messageId, String reaction, String action)Likes a specific channel message with the provided channel ID, message ID, reaction, and action.channelId - ID of the channel
messageId - ID of the message
reaction - type of reaction
action - type of action
approveMessage(String messageId)Approves a specific chat message with the given message ID.messageId - ID of the message
deleteMessage(String messageId)Deletes a specific chat message with the given message ID.messageId - ID of the message
approveChannelMessage(String messageId, String channelId)Approves a specific channel message with the given message ID and channelID.messageId - ID of the message
channelId - ID of the channel
deleteChannelMessage(String messageId, String channelId)Deletes a specific channel message with the given message ID and channel ID.messageId - ID of the message
channelId - ID of the channel
banUser(String userId)Bans a specific user from the chat.userId - ID of the user
banIp(String ip)Bans a specific IP address from the chat.ip - IP address to ban
getBannedUsers()Retrieves the list of banned users in the chat.None
unBanUser(String userId)Unbans a specific user from the chat.userId - ID of the user
unBanIp(String ip)Unbans a specific IP address from the chat.ip - IP address to unban
loadCustomization(Object customization)Loads a customization object to customize the chat appearance.customization - object containing customization details
loadTranslation(Object translation)Loads a translation object to translate the chat.translation - object containing translation details
logout()Logs out the current user from the chat.None


The JoinOptions class is used to provide joining parameters when using DeadSimpleChatController.joinRoom() method. Here's an example:

final joinOptions = JoinOptions(
uniqueUserIdentifier: "121",



final joinOptions = JoinOptions(
accessToken: "..accessToken",


Event Listeners

The DeadSimpleChat widget provides a variety of event listeners that you can use to listen to events in your chat room. For example, to listen to when a message is received, you can do:

// other parameters
onMessage: (message) => print('Message received: $message'),
  • onMessage(Object message): Invoked when a new chat message is received.
  • onChannelSelected(String channelId): Invoked when a channel is selected in the chat.
  • onRoomJoined(String roomId): Invoked when the chat room is joined successfully.
  • onMessageHistory(String messageId): Invoked when the message history is fetched successfully.
  • onMessageApproved(String messageId): Invoked when a chat message is approved.
  • onMessageDeleted(String messageId): Invoked when a chat message is deleted.
  • onUpdateUsers(String userId): Invoked when the list of online users is updated.
  • onInvalidRoomPassword(String roomId): Invoked when an invalid room password is provided.
  • onRoomLimitReached(String roomId): Invoked when the room limit is reached.
  • onNotAuthorized(String errorMessage): Invoked when the user is not authorized to perform an action.
  • onMessageLiked(String messageId): Invoked when a chat message is liked.
  • onConversationCreated(String userId): Invoked when a conversation is created.
  • onConversationMessage(String conversationId): Invoked when a conversation message is received.
  • onChannelCreated(String channelId): Invoked when a channel is created.
  • onChannelMessage(String channelId): Invoked when a channel message is received.
  • onChannelMessageDeleted(String messageId): Invoked when a channel message is deleted.
  • onChannelMessageApproved(String messageId): Invoked when a channel message is approved.
  • onChannelMessageLiked(String messageId): Invoked when a channel message is liked.
  • onConnectError(String errorMessage): Invoked when an error occurs while connecting to the chat server.
  • onConnectSuccess(String message): Invoked when the chat server connection is successful.
  • onJoinRoomError(String errorMessage): Invoked when an error occurs while joining the chat room.
  • onLoadCustomizationSuccess(String message): Invoked when the customization is loaded successfully.
  • onLoadCustomizationError(String errorMessage): Invoked when an error occurs while loading the customization.
  • onLoadTranslationSuccess(String message): Invoked when the translation is loaded successfully.
  • onLoadTranslationError(String errorMessage): Invoked when an error occurs while loading the translation.
  • onSendMessageError(String errorMessage): Invoked when an error occurs while sending a chat message.

Customizations and Translations

The DeadSimpleChat widget provides options for customizations and translations. Use DeadSimpleChatController.loadCustomization() and DeadSimpleChatController.loadTranslation() methods to load your custom configurations and translations respectively.
