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Deactivate User

This endpoint allows you to deactivate a user by either their userId or their uniqueUserIdentifier.



DELETE /consumer/api/v2/user/deactivate


The auth query parameter is your private key. You can find it in your Dashboard under Developer -> Private Key.

Query Parameters

ParameterDescriptionData Type
authGo to Dashboard -> Developer -> Private Key is your authString

Request Body

A JSON object containing one of the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData Type
userIdThe unique identifier for the userString
uniqueUserIdentifierAnother unique identifier for the userString

Note: Either userId or uniqueUserIdentifier must be provided, but not both.


Success Response

A JSON object indicating that the user has been successfully deactivated:

FieldDescriptionData Type
successOperation statusboolean
messageSuccess messagestring

HTTP Status: 200 OK


"success": true,
"message": "user deactivated"

Error Responses

  • Validation Error:

    HTTP Status: 400 Bad Request


    "error": "validation error description here"
  • User Not Found:

    HTTP Status: 400 Bad Request


    "message": "user not found"
  • Internal Server Error:

    HTTP Status: 500 Internal Server Error


    "message": "Internal server error occurred, please try again. If the problem persists then contact support and mention the eventId",
    "eventId": "example-event-id-here"

Code Examples

JavaScript (Fetch API)

fetch("/consumer/api/v2/user/deactivate?auth=<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>", {
method: "DELETE",
body: JSON.stringify({
uniqueUserIdentifier: "<UNIQUE_USER_IDENTIFIER>"
// OR
// userId: "<USER_ID>"
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"