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This method allows you to load custom translations dynamically per user. You can use this method to give users option to switch between custom translations.


// Example loadTranslation
channels: "Sub Chat Rooms",
resumeAutoScroll: "resume the auto scroll",
languageCode: "en"


resumeAutoScrolltext that is to be translatedString
autoScrollPausedtext that is to be translatedString
editProfiletext that is to be translatedString
claimProfiletext that is to be translatedString
verifyProfiletext that is to be translatedString
channelstext that is to be translatedString
unreadtext that is to be translatedString
privateChatstext that is to be translatedString
onlineUserstext that is to be translatedString
bantext that is to be translatedString
loadMoretext that is to be translatedString
logouttext that is to be translatedString
bannedUserstext that is to be translatedString
newMessagetext that is to be translatedString
moderatortext that is to be translatedString
downloadtext that is to be translatedString
adminApprovalPendingtext that is to be translatedString
approvetext that is to be translatedString
typeAMessagetext that is to be translatedString
joinChatstext that is to be translatedString
moderatorLogintext that is to be translatedString
errorUsernameNotSpecifiedtext that is to be translatedString
joinRoomtext that is to be translatedString
alreadyHaveAnAccounttext that is to be translatedString
infoSuperAdmintext that is to be translatedString
infoModeratorLogintext that is to be translatedString
logintext that is to be translatedString
setAUsernametext that is to be translatedString
usernametext that is to be translatedString
yourEmailtext that is to be translatedString
emailtext that is to be translatedString
passwordtext that is to be translatedString
setSuperAdminUsernametext that is to be translatedString
superAdminUsernameMessagetext that is to be translatedString
banUserHeadingtext that is to be translatedString
banUserMessagetext that is to be translatedString
banUserConfirmtext that is to be translatedString
banUserCanceltext that is to be translatedString
bannedUserHeadingtext that is to be translatedString
bannedUserMessagetext that is to be translatedString
userBannedHeadingtext that is to be translatedString
userBannedMessagetext that is to be translatedString
bannedIPstext that is to be translatedString
addtext that is to be translatedString
ipAddresstext that is to be translatedString
unblocktext that is to be translatedString
closetext that is to be translatedString
addIPAddresstext that is to be translatedString
languageCodeOptionally Specify the ISO-639-1 Language Code.. It updates the lang attribute of chat room page.String
sendMessageSet the aria-label for sendMessage buttonString